Drop It

Drop It is a game that you already know how to play. It’s a simple and competitive game of picking up pieces and dropping them down a frame for points, think Connect Four with more players, unusual shapes, and unpredictable at times.


In Drop It, each play will choose a color and take turns dropping a shape down the frame of the game. When it lands, you’ll earn points based on where its position is in the levels with possible bonus points. But drop carefully, any piece that ends up touching another piece of the same color or shape, or in a restricted area, will not score any points! Once all pieces have been played, the player with the highest score wins.


Drop It is one of my favorite games to bring out when I am looking to play something light, but still competitive. The game is bright with its colorful pieces, easy enough to pick up within minutes, and highly replayable with the different board set ups. Since many of us are stuck inside during this time, Drop It is a game that keeps all of my family interested and I can play with friends over any video chat app.

Drop It