The Witcher: Old World

review by Sab

Sometimes, folks come in asking for “intro” RPG game recommendations. The Witcher: Old World is a perfect example.

The Witcher: Old World is a fantastic 1-5 player board game for casual gamers and families looking for RPG action. Explore the Continent in pre-Geralt of Rivia times, complete quests, train, fight monsters and other witchers, and bring your house to glory by earning trophies to win the game. 

I was initially interested because I’m a fan of the Witcher series and exploration/story-based games, and The Witcher: Old World does not disappoint. You get to be a witcher exploring the Continent, with familiar locations and monsters and super nice story cards to enrich the immersion. I really like that this is fairly easy to learn and set up, making it accessible for my friends who aren’t Witcher or experienced RPG fans to enjoy. 

The game lasts 1.5-2 hours with 2-3 players in competitive mode. When you hit 4-5 players, the game can go on 3+ hours due to downtime when other players are battling it out with dice rolling. Otherwise, turns can be decently quick. 

Solo mode is also possible, and the official co-op mode is available with the Wild Hunt expansion.

The Witcher: Old World game mechanics include relatively simple deck building, dice rolling, point to point movement, and narrative building. There are also high-quality miniatures perfect for painting. In the base version, there are 5 witcher miniatures, and in the deluxe edition, there are 28 monster miniatures.

All in all, the game is a fun and easy-to-pick-up immersive experience in the Witcher universe.

The Witcher: Old World is available now from our webstore.

The Witcher: Old World