Love Letter

review by K

In this game of wit and intrigue, try to be the first player to deliver your love letter to the princess, gaining her trust and becoming her confidant. 

Mechanically, you will draw a card and play a card on each turn, with a maximum hand of one (1) at any time. Each card is a key person associated with the princess, and the closer they are to the princess, the higher the card number, including the princess herself with the highest number in the game (9). Trick your opponents and knock them out, winning the round and gaining a favor token. The number of favor tokens needed to win the game is based on the number of players, and ultimately become the princess’ confidant.

The 2019 version of the game allows for up to six (6) players, but has the capability of playing the classic mode with the removal of the new cards, The Chancellor and The Spy.

Love Letter is a fun, easy game to learn and teach your friends. Last summer, I took my copy to Dolores Park in San Francisco on a sunny day and taught my friends how to play with the full number of players. It travels well in its velvet pouch, and there have even been alternate versions released, such as Star Wars and Marvel. Love Letter is easily one of my favorite card games and I am eager to play it more with friends at the park again.

Love Letter is available now from our webstore.

Love Letter