
review by Tessa


If you like looking silly in front of your friends or giving terrible suggestions, Pitchstorm is an amazing “impress the judge” part game. In Pitchstorm individuals or teams compete to pitch the best movie to a team of not so helpful executives. Playing as either someone pitching a movie or an executive is incredibly fun as everyone has an interesting role. Your movies come from choosing a plot and character card at random and, when they are combined, you have a movie that might not make too much sense, but you have to pitch it and you only have a minute. During your pitch the executives can pause your timer to give some notes. These notes are not very helpful and can throw off your perfectly crafted movie, but you have to adapt. 

Pitchstorm is such a fun party game that tests both your creative and quick thinking skills. It has such a creative mechanic to get the judges involved with the process instead of just choosing the best one. Pitchstorm can be played with 3 to 13 people and only takes about 20 minutes but you will find yourself playing for much longer. 

Pitchstorm is available now from our webstore.
