review by K
BEZZERWIZZER! Your new favorite trivia game! With 3,000 questions and 20 categories, your possibilities of play are endless. For fans of: Trivial Pursuit, Smart Ass, Geek Out, and general trivia games.
Each team picks 4 categories at random, rank them 1-4 (worst to best category), and each team also receives 2 “Bezzerwizzer” tiles and 1 “Zwap” tile.
Play begins with one team having a question from their first category read to them, where other teams, including the reading team, may buzz in using their Bezzerwizzer tile if they want a shot at answering the question. The Zwap tile may be used on a team’s turn if they wish to swap two categories around before the question is read.
Play continues until each team has had all four of their categories read, and gameplay continues until one team advances to the finish on the board!
Some of the categories in the game include: History, Art & Stage, Architecture, Nature, Geography, and more!
Bezzerwizzer is available now from our webstore.